That Amazing Tea Tree Oil
About the author: Karen macKenzie began her investigation into Tea Tree oil in 1989 while working as a researcher for an essential oil company. During this time, she began to develop a strong interest in alternative medicine and nutrition. When, in 1991, she develped an allergy to chemicals in many personal care products and make-up, she was forced to search for chemical-free alternatives. Unfortunately. there were very few alternatives available back then. Her quest led her to begain using Tea Tree Oil in a variety of ways with spectacular results, and her allergy eventually subsided.
She began writing about Tea Tree oil to share her experiences with other. In 1996. she founded the Tea Tree Oil information service in Great Britain to help spread the word and to assist medical professionals as well as the general public in using this valuable natural gift.
anti-Cancer activity of Tea Tree Oil this report from Australian Government.
Tomorrow I will Introduction:
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